Good day, one and all,
As most of our members are aware, we have completed our Guild training schedule for 2015. As a part of this, there were a few handouts used in the activities of this most wonderful training, and I am happy to include them here for your easy Reference. Please note that the Gallowglass info is cut and paste from Wikipedia as a placeholder until a better write-up is provided:
- Go Big – Acting in a Faire Environment
- Vocalization Exercises
- History Outside Scotland, 1500 to 1562
- Gallowglass
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Also, during the vocalization exercises, two books were mentioned as references – they would be the following two books (note, these are NOT yet correctly linked to give the Guild click-through credit. Hopefully a banner ad will be forthcoming soon…):
One of the Summer 2015 goals for this website is to expand our Member area to include more information from our various trainings. As this progresses, this simple post will expand to a wonderful new section of this website, and should include everything from Character Development to Costuming Guidance to period Dance Information for our Dance Show. But for now, as long as you click on Training Posts, our newest addition to the menu above, it will find any posts we have (currently two, including this one) related to training… Please, as always, have patience with you dear webmaster – the life of an Earl is a busy one, indeed!
In Service to Her Majesty, I am, now and always ~
Archibald Campbell
5th Earl of Argyll,
6th Lord Campbell,
5th Lord Lorne,
High Justicar of Scotland,
MacCailein Mor, and
Assistant Guild Master, Operations